Tuesday, July 26, 2011

add this to the list...

of things i put off / avoid / procrastinate.

i was watching himym (how i met your mother for those of you who do more than watch tv all day) the other day, and ted mentioned that people from ohio deal with uncomfortable situations by avoiding them.  this made me think that lately, and always i suppose, this is me.

most of the things i avoid are fairly trivial and probably things that most of us avoid.  like laundry, going to the gym, cleaning the bathroom, going to the grocery store, and, obviously, writing in this blog.  but mayyyybe i'm also avoiding some more critical things in my life.  like how i should exploring this area more than i am.  like how i waited a whole week after moving here to drive my car anywhere by myself.  like how i still need to learn how to cook more than chicken breast and veggies.  like how i still don't have a job.  (although this isn't entirely my fault because i am interviewing / applying / whoring myself out on monster.com)

maybe i'm avoiding things because i'm waiting for something to happen.  something that will make a difference.   or maybe i should adopt lily's new york city attitude and face things head on and throw myself into the fray.

or maybe not.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

goodbye ohio, hello california.

in case you didn't know - i moved across the country this past friday. from ohio to california. from living with my mom to living with my boyfriend. from being unemployed to being.. well.. still being unemployed. so you'd think, wow, that must be a huge adjustment, aren't you worried? don't you miss home? aren't you scared? etc, etc, etc. yes to all. but that's not my biggest problem right now.

i have too much stuff.

unpacking is literally my least favorite thing in the entire world. i have way too much stuff, and my new apartment doesn't exactly have loads of closet space. especially when i have to share that closet space with someone. which, i might add, i have never ever had to do before ever. i've never even shared a room with someone (except for freshman year of college, but even then i had my own closet, and i was only an hour from home so i could easily switch out my clothes every few months.)

add the lack of space (and hangers) to my ocd way of organizing my clothes (by function, fabric, color, occasion, style, etc) and i might be having my first real breakdown.

because crying on the plane doesn't count. obviously.